The Writer

The Writer
Helo. name's Adzim, 16 :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Failing sucks

I got exam next Tuesday, n i have to say. i haven't touch the book yet. hahahah ! YET ! and im bout to touch it tonight. -.- text books are boring. but i had to do it. I dont like failing. I remember i CRIED when i first failed on math...... shit ! hmm i dont feel like doing a study group at the moment. because its not going to work ! Hahahaha and i hate my science teacher...very much! but I would love to score the first test ! I want to impress her.. Insyaallah. anyway heres some tips for exam success*For certain friends from my class. *laughs* first, plan your time to include study, revision and social commitments - a balance of having fun, taking breaks and studying is vital. Second,Review your notes regularly to reinforce your new-found knowledge.Next is to swiftly skim through your text books and course material before you read them in depth to give you an overview of your subject.Before you do any revision, warm up by doing some gentle exercise to relieve any tension in your body and to get a rush of healthy oxygen flowing to your brain. And heres some tips while ur in an actual exam. In an exam, make sure you read the question completely and fully understand what the examiner wants before you allocate your time and begin answering the questions.  and if u face a mental block / blank mind, breathe deeply,relax and asssssss urself, " If i did know the answer,what would it be?" LOL hahahahah ok i admit, i did copied it somewhere on the internet. hahaha hope it helps. :)


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